Environmental policy
NOLA Transport provide services regarding transportation and logistics and strive to offer these services with the lowest possible environmental impact by:
- comply with current laws and environmental regulations.
- reducing usage of natural resources.
- designing the administrative routines so that our assignments are carried out with the lowest possible environmental effects within the framework that are economically motivated and technically possible.
- constantly working towards improving and prevention of pollution in transports and logistics.
- imposing environmental requirements upon suppliers and contractors.
- working with an up to date plan of action and an organisation with clear goals and areas of responsibility concerning environmental issues.
- spreading knowledge and commitment about our environmental work.
- educating and making sure that all members of staff take part in our environmental work.
We are since 2010 certified according to ISO 14001: 2004 and from 14 september 2018 certified according to the new standard ISO 14001:2105.
Environmental coordinator is Magnus Liljeqvist